Commercial Kitchens

  • Convotherm 4

    Will Convotherm 4 be part of your restaurant this year?

    If you’ve ever worked with a Convotherm combi oven, you’ll know the large difference that this reputable brand can make…

  • Turbofan Bolt

    Turbofan Bolt – with great power comes great irresistibility

    Introducing the two Turbofan Bolt E33 convection ovens. They’re versatile, powerful and cost-effective with exceptional productivity, incredibly valuable to the modern commercial…

  • A Convotherm combi-steamer will cook these traditional dumplings perfectly.

    How to cook steamed dumplings in a Convotherm

    Learn how to make these traditional Chinese dumplings for your restaurant's menu using a Convotherm combi-steamer oven. They're popular and…

  • Dubai Gulfood Show 2

    Dubai Gulfood Exhibition Show 2016

    Gulfood is the largest foodservice exhibition held each year in February and is an international event which draws visitors and…

  • Turbofan can help you bake delicious goods efficiently.

    Heating up your kitchen with Turbofan

    A restaurant kitchen is very fast-paced and can be heated at times. Get a commercial Turbofan convection oven today to…

  • Have your cheesecake ready to serve in a fraction of the time with a Friginox blast chiller.

    The quickest no-bake cheesecake recipe with Friginox

    Learn how a Friginox blast chiller will help you bake a cheesecake in record time! It sets your dessert at the…

  • Convotherm Infographic 2

    Which combi-steamer is right for you?

    Whether you are serving in a small A-la Carte operation (10 – 25 patrons/hr), a general kitchen (25 – 50…

  • All forms of pasta can be cooked in Waldorf Pasta Cookers.

    What are the benefits of a world-class pasta cooker?

    Because pasta is so popular in Australia right now, it makes good sense to have a quality pasta cooker in…

  • Friginox can help you to chill fish at the correct temperature for safe eating.

    How can Friginox products help with food safety standards?

    Learn how a Friginox commercial blast chiller or freezer can help you keep to the guidelines of Australian food health…

  • Learn how you can reinvent the roast chicken with Turbofan commercial kitchen equipment.

    Refining the Sunday roast with Turbofan

    Turbofan's versatile commercial kitchen equipment can take your roast chickens to another level. Find out how convection ovens from Moffat can…

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