The new year is here and so are new trends, including a range of drinks that are hot on the market right now. The National Restaurant Association have conveniently conducted a survey which finds out what beverages are trending so that you can adapt your drinks menu to reflect what is popular right now.
However, one thing that is a definite turn-off for any restaurant or cafe is a tasty beverage served in a sticky, grubby glass, especially if it’s got the lip imprint of the previous user. That means you or your employees will have to spend a portion of busy business time scrubbing dirty glasses when your glasswasher isn’t operating effectively.
Whether your business sells cocktails like hotcakes or offers locals a taste of your own home-brewed beer, you can rest assured that Moffat, with our wide selection of commercial cleaning equipment, offers some device that can easily clean your glasses.
And in fact, we do. We’re glad to offer Washtech’s range of glasswashers, which provides quality machines that are specifically for glasses, so you’ll have plenty of clean glasses to serve these popular drinks.
Boutique beverages are the new buzz for your business
What’s buzzing in the world of alcoholic drinks right now are craft and artisan spirits. An article, published October 2014 in Marketing Magazine, talks about the rise in the popularity of boutique spirits.
Campbell Stott, the merchandise manager from liquor store Dan Murphy’s told Marketing Magazine:
“We’d range close to 800 glass spirits in our business, and I’d say now maybe 10 per cent of those are craft artisan products, whereas it would’ve been about 1 per cent three or four years ago.”
It is also interesting to note that locally produced beer, wine or spirits sit in second place of alcoholic beverage trends.
Benny McKew, a manager at an inner-city cocktail bar gives Marketing Magazine his opinion on why boutique brands and locally produced alcohol are so big right now.
“People’s tastes are becoming more and more refined. Their palates are becoming more developed and they’re getting more interested in the finer things,” says McKew.
He goes on to explain how Australian customers are now preferring local products over bigger international brands, despite the difference in costs.
Some businesses have even chosen to focus on Australian-only products. Is your business set to follow this trend? With Marketing Magazine highlighting how customers are now commonly asking for local products by name, perhaps it’s time to narrow the focus of your sales to target the people who know what they want.
Keeping your cocktails cool and clean
Of course, cocktails are also big in the drinks market right now. Culinary cocktails are hovering at second place with savoury and fresh ingredients, and edible cocktails also make an appearance. However, as we all know, food in glasses can make for gooey residue that is hard to wash off.
That’s where a Washtech glasswasher will benefit you. Whether you’re using delicate cocktail glasses or cute mason jars, you’ll need a top-quality dishwasher designed to wash efficiently without the need for extra elbow grease. You will also want something that can fit an adequate amount of glassware so that you always have a fresh supply of clean glasses on hand to meet the customer demand for these popular trending drinks.
Washtech products offer powerful wash pumps, customised and designed so that water usage is at a minimum while leaving your glassware spot-free without damage. The machines use the appropriate water temperatures that will clean while sanitising, and meet multiple compliance standards to fulfil electrical and hygiene standards.
If you’re going with the hot trend of edible cocktails, then you’ll need to ensure your glasses are spick and span. There is a one touch multi-cycle option for many models, which offers a longer cleaning period without using more water – cleaner glasses and a cleaner environment!
With Washtech’s unique 5-2-1 promise warranty, you know that this machine will be sure to help you deliver the hottest beverages to satisfy everyone. Drink up!

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