Start saving labour time and money today with Washtech’s range of polish-free glasswashing solutions!
Tailored for the Australian scene, it is a compact and powerful addition to your commercial kitchen.
Great for foodservice professionals, the soft start feature ensures less glassware breakage and delivers outstanding dishwashing results.
Need a faster turnaround and tired of breaking glasses with your current glasswasher? You need to look no further than…
One of the best small commercial dishwasher in the market! A ready-to-go plug and play model, it is built for…
Are you in the market for a new commercial dishwasher? Here's what you need to consider before signing on the…
In a commercial kitchen, the small details can result in massive setbacks. Stay on top of your warewashing needs with these…
A regular on My Kitchen Rules and appearing on other Seven Network’s TV programmes, he has somehow managed to keep…
Washtech’s strategy is to continually meet engineering and design standards so their products are certified for local councils/authorities. Our Washtech…
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